After leaving a successful career as a Draftsperson to focus on becoming a mum, Leigh finally decided she was ready to re-enter the workforce. As much as she loved being available full-time for her children, she realised she needed to return to work.
The Rewards of Working
“I want to show my children that both mum and dad are valuable contributors to the family,” she said. “Going back to work benefits all of us, emotionally and financially.”
Know Your Worth and What You’re Looking For
Like so many mums going back to work, Leigh needed a workplace that valued flexibility, and the productivity of part-time employees. However, she didn’t know who to approach.
Use Social Media Contacts
Her husband saw my social media posts and suggested she get in touch with me to get the ball rolling. It didn’t take long to learn about Leigh’s requirements and achievements. I made a call to one specific client, securing her an interview and the rest, as they say, is history. Leigh is now happily working for a progressive engineering consultancy that values her contribution to their team success.
Workplaces Changing
In today’s candidate-short market, we are finally starting to see an increase in the number of clients with a flexible workforce. These organisations are appreciating the productivity achieved by part-time staff and are happily taking on more.
According to LinkedIn, one of the top 5 skills most desired by employers in 2019 is time-management in the drive to overcome lost productivity. Mums are extremely well-versed in knowing how to prioritise and manage time effectively, thereby ensuring greater efficiency in tasks and ultimately, improved productivity.
Success At Mills
I myself, employ mums on a part-time basis here at Mills Resources. They make a valuable contribution to our business success without needing to be at work fulltime. It’s a win-win for everyone.