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Today’s market sees recruiters, both internal and external, with their work cut out for them as they endeavour to find and then entice, great people into new jobs.
Congratulations on the first step! As your resume has struck some chords within the company, you must now prepare to have your first interview. Here are five tips on how to give yourself the best chance to win the role.
A chat with a potential candidate today prompted this blog. He had spoken to several recruitment agencies before contacting me, and when I posed the question “Do you know where your CV is?”, he couldn’t answer. Unfortunately this is a scenario I come across all too often.
After leaving a successful career as a Draftsperson to focus on becoming a mum, Leigh finally decided she was ready to re-enter the workforce. As much as she loved being available full-time for her children, she realised she needed to return to work.
Organisations have been forced to adjust their business practices during this unprecedented time thanks to COVID-19. This is the “new normal” for at least the next few months and we”e working hard to make the best of the situation.
With the current global pandemic, more and more businesses are temporarily closing their offices and giving people laptops and told to work from home.
A great team culture is one of the most powerful investments you can make into output and growth. Experts agree that teams with exceptional cultures perform better.
As business leaders, being aware of, and addressing the challenges of our businesses is an essential part of what we do, and regardless of how uncomfortable it makes us, there’s always a great benefit to be found in leaning into the issues that hold us back.
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Upload your CV. If you wish to include a covering letter as part of your application, please include it as part of your CV document. Please upload CV of .doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt, .pdf only. Maximum file size 2MB
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