With the current global pandemic, more and more businesses are temporarily closing their offices and giving people laptops and told to work from home.

However, the decision to work remotely requires planning and time to implement.

Unfortunately, for most companies this will lead to a dramatic drop in productivity.

Mills Resources has been developing and implementing a cloud-based business over the last ten years and can advise companies on how to set their business up for remote working success.

I have outlined 4 key points below.


Define your company core value

  • To succeed as a cloud-based business, you need to trust your team, and in turn, they need to trust you.
  • From day 1, Mills Resources was set up as a cloud-based business and is built on trust.
  • Trust is our core value and encompasses everything we do in our business.

Hiring the right people

  • Most people would like the flexibility of working remotely however, in our experience not everyone can work this way.
  • We hire people who are highly motivated, self-disciplined and align with our core value of trust.
  • People who are grateful and appreciate the trust given to them thrive in a cloud-based business.

Utilising the latest in cloud technologies

  • Cloud based solutions are extensive and varied and can be tailored to suit most businesses.

Performance based KPIs

  • Working remotely does not require extensive KPI’s. Quite the opposite.
  • Performance based KPI’s can be successfully implemented.

For business owners and HR teams the current business climate is a wake-up call.  Implementing remote working policies and to engage with a new generation of workforce is the future and requires careful planning and time to implement.

Remote working does require a change in mindset and a period of adjustment.  However, the benefits for everyone far outweigh the downside.

If you would like more information you can call/facetime me anytime on 0448 941 832.  In the meantime, stay healthy, and good luck with keeping your businesses moving forward.