A chat with a potential candidate prompted this blog. He had spoken to several recruitment agencies before contacting me, and when I posed the question “Do you know where your CV is?”, he couldn’t answer. Unfortunately this is a scenario I come across all too often.
Ever since the Cambridge Analytical scandal with Facebook data in early 2018, we seem to hear almost weekly of major IT security breaches through hacking of huge corporations around the world. The hue and cry over the data mined by Cambridge Analytical forced governments worldwide to hurriedly address the rights of citizens to privacy and they are continually playing catchup in the grey areas of the internet, the cloud, personal data collection and distribution.
You Own Your Information
Your details, including your resume, belong to you and should never be passed on without your permission. Otherwise, it’s illegal.
Your Permission is Legally Required
Mills Recruitment never forwards any candidate details on without permission. Regardless of whether you are applying for an advertised role or putting out feelers for job opportunities available in the market, we make it a point to discuss the role with you and then get your permission to present you to our clients. Some of our candidates have had an unpleasant surprise when they’ve found out that their CV has been shopped to clients without their knowledge.
Spray and Pray
Another recruitment method is to “spray and pray” approach, as the candidate I mentioned at the beginning of this blog experienced. In a nutshell, it refers to CVs being sent out far and wide and hoping that they stick with the client regardless of whether they’re the best candidate for the role or the best role for the candidate! It serves no value to anyone and is a serious breach of your privacy.
Your Career is at Stake
As responsible recruiters who value Candidate Care, we are looking out for your best interests and feel that this is the only way to operate. We’re committed to ensuring you’re satisfied we understand your requirements for roles you’re interested in, remuneration you’re seeking and organisations you’re keen to align with.
Satisfied Candidates
Does our approach work? Well, based on feedback from candidates we’ve placed, the answer is a resounding ‘yes’! Their testimonials speak for themselves.
Until more is done, the “spray and pray” approach will persist. And perhaps some candidates don’t mind as they just want to move on.
Work with Someone Who’s Got Your Best Interests In Mind
Personally, I’d recommend that you work with an agent who respects you, your career goals and just as importantly, your privacy. Whether it’s us or someone just as responsible, you need someone who cares about you, not the dollars your CV will generate.
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